Seven Steps to a Successful Logo

by | Last updated Feb 4, 2020 | Published on Aug 22, 2019 | Logo Design

Logo design has become one of the most in-demand services offered by far in 2019. Professionals in the industry have been taking on more logo design projects than ever. It has become a necessity for businesses. First impressions are the most lasting and logos create that first impression with customers. After making a purchase, clients remember the logo and associate it with the brand from that point forward. In short, a logo is designed to be memorable and is imprinted in the minds of those customers.

Every business under the sun uses a logo as a visual representation of its values. Colour, font, and design all play a vital role in making an impression. For example, blue is mostly associated with brands that offer security and community services. Your company’s logo design will determine how your brand is perceived.

Hiring Logo Designers

Most of the time, businesses are much better off hiring logo designers like the Back Office Pro Professionals. There are just so many things that you must get right here. Remember, your logo is going to stick with you throughout the life of your company, so it needs to be created with care. Investing in the perfect logo design will pay dividends down the road.

Hiring a Professional Logo Designer

Important Logo Factors to Consider


Brands should have a logo that is effective at any size. For instance, the same logo should work on a billboard or a brochure. If you find yourself having to use different logos for these types of advertisements, then you should rethink your design.


Logos should be instantly identifiable with your brand so that customers remember them.


It should display properly in several different types of media so that your marketing is not limited.


A logo should be effective in both black & white and colour formats.

Details are extremely important when creating a logo that really garners attention. Look at how detailed Amazon’s logo is. The letters A and Z not only bring awareness to their company name, but also describes that their online store has everything, from A to Z.

Keeping all of that in mind, here are seven essential steps to creating the perfect logo for your brand.

Know your Brand Inside and Out

Before you even think about designing your logo, you need to take some time to brainstorm. After all, important decisions such as your logo design must not be taken lightly. Two important factors must be considered:

Your target market. Write down everything you can about your ideal customer or print out your customer demographic that was created by your marketing team.

Your brand personality. What does your brand stand for, and what does it hope to achieve?

Stationery Desktop Logo Design

Define the Nature of your Business

Amazon’s business model is to sell everything, which is obvious in their logo (A to Z). You will need to find a way to identify the nature of your business with your logo. That makes it much more memorable. Colours, fonts, and other elements need to match the tone of your business. This creates a brand identity that customers associate it with your company.

Make a Lasting Impression

The first impression is the most crucial for a business, so make sure that your logo is making a lasting, positive one. Design something so mesmerizing that just one look will sweep your target market away. Above all else, your logo must be unique so that it is easily distinguished from your competitors. The number one goal of all businesses is to stand out. The market is so busy that those who do not stand out are simply lost in the crowd.

Compare your logo design idea to that of your competition and ask yourself one question: is it better? If not, then you need to keep working on your idea.

Plan Colours Carefully

Colours play a pivotal role in the message that your logo will communicate. Different colours create a different emotional reaction. Blue is the most popular colour in logo design because it portrays security and community. It’s the reason why Facebook and LinkedIn logos are both primarily blue. If your main channel is social media, then you’ll want to create a logo where blue is the dominant colour.

On the other hand, if you are looking to grab attention, then bright, bold colours are the way to go. Just remember that the colours used need to represent your brand’s identity.

Professional Logo Designing

Choose the Right Font

The problem is that most people do not take font into consideration. They get so lost in the graphics and colours that they turn to generic fonts to fill in the gaps. Don’t fall victim to this. Fonts have a huge role to play!

If you are promoting music, then you will probably want to go with bold fonts. Just make sure to avoid extreme fonts. It is recommended that you design a custom font for your logo.

Decide the Type of Logo you Want to Create

First and foremost, decide if you want your company name to be the focus, or would you just abbreviate it? Look at how the Coca-Cola logo showcases its entire name in cursive writing on a red background. The red background screams for attention, while the creative font makes it memorable. If you are not planning to use your brand name in your logo, then you will have to create awareness in other ways. I do not recommend this for small businesses.

Maintain a Minimalist Mindset

We live in a minimalist age where people love simplicity. All top logo designers in the world emphasize the need for simplicity. You should only use two colours at most with a very simple, yet unique font that matches the message you’re trying to communicate.

Seven Steps to a Successful Logo

by Stephen Gagnon

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